Name Top Left
Score Top
Name Bottom Right
Score Bottom


This calculator is designed to aid in the curving of test or assignment scores in a statistically sound way. To best use our calculator, it may help to visit the math page. Help us out by sharing our website with you friends and colleagues! If you experience any issues, have questions, or would like to see an additional feature be implemented, reach out to us here.

How do I set curve settings?
  • For a video explaning how the selection panels work, click here.
  • For text explanation:
  • Each curve panel can be named. When a curve is created or its name is removed, it will be named with a red indicator. Curves with the same name wil be indexed numerically.
  • The normalize option will redistribute the scores normally.
  • The next selection asks you to choose either a new mean and deviation to apply, or an output range. You will also be prompted to provide numerical values for these.
  • If you're specifying a mean and deviation, you may also restrict the range out of outputs.
  • If you've specified a range, you can choose to center the range, or to fit the range to your input data. If your data is normalized, you won't have to choose between these two.
  • To remove a panel select the button next to its name
  • All inputs are automatically filled when a selection panel is created. These are simply reconmendations.
  • You may create as many selection panels as you'd like. Experiment with different settings to find which works best for you.
How do I manually input students?
  • For a video explaning how the selection panels work, click here.
  • For text explanation:
  • To add a student, type either their name or score into an empty box at the bottom of the table below. If you specify their name, they will be given the score . If you specify their score, they will be given the name .
  • Removing the name or score of a student will also give them an automatic name or score respectively.
  • Automatic element will be indicated with .
  • To remove a student, remove their name, and then remove their score
How do I use Excel integration
  • For a video explaning how the selection panels work, click here.
  • For text explanation:
  • To import data from Excel, select the "Import data with excel" option.
  • Then select an file of type .xlsx from your computer.
  • A student's name may be stored in multiple consecutive boxes in the same a row. A student's score may only be stored in one box in the same row.
  • All students' names and scores must be stored in the same vertical columns respectively
  • Boxes are specified by column and then row, for example: .
  • Enter the left most name box of student highest on the Excel sheet followed by the box (in the same row) containing their score.
  • Then, enter the right most name box the student lowest on the Excel sheet followed by the box containing their score.
  • Select process to import the students into the score calculator.
  • To export data, select "Export data with Excel".
  • Enter you desired Excel file name, and click "Export".
  • To remove students, open the Undo Import tab, select an Excel sheet and press remove. This will remove all of the students that originated from that sheet.

Name Score